Contact Us
Looking to host an event with us? Please include in your contact form or email the following;
The author's name;
A contact email address;
A contact phone number;
The book/books you're looking to promote;
Projected number of attendees;
Promotional plan
A website with more information on your author/book;
The date and time you are interest in holding your event.
This information will help us in our selection and scheduling process.
If you schedule an event with BRTD, please avoid scheduling another event in the inner west of Sydney within two weeks prior to or following the event. This helps to solidify event attendance.
If you are interested in holding a book-related event at Better Read Than Dead, contact us at
We consider all requests to hold book events in the store. However, please be advised that we are very selective about which events are held and strongly favour local authors.
General Inquiries
Event Inquiries
Kids Inquiries

265 King Street Newtown NSW 2042 Australia