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Garth Nix - The Left-Handed Booksellers of London

Sat, 03 Oct


Zoom - see ticket email for meeting details

There's no better way to celebrate Love Your Bookshop Day than with magical fighting booksellers! Join us as we host Garth Nix, author of the utterly fabulous 'The Left-Handed Booksellers of London'. Garth appears in-conversation with our very own Mischa Parkee!

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Garth Nix - The Left-Handed Booksellers of London
Garth Nix - The Left-Handed Booksellers of London

Time & Location

03 Oct 2020, 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Zoom - see ticket email for meeting details


About The Event

There's no better way to celebrate Love Your Bookshop Day than with magical fighting booksellers! Join us as we host Garth Nix, author of the utterly fabulous The Left-Handed Booksellers of London. 

From the bestselling author of Angel Mage, this new fantasy adventure set in 1980s London follows one girl's quest to find her father, leading her to a secret society of magical fighting booksellers who police the mythical Old World when it disastrously intrudes into the modern world …

Garth appears in-conversation with Better Read Than Dead's very own Mischa Parkee!

Every ticket includes a signed copy of The Left-Handed Booksellers of London and a limited-edition pin, and we'll happily ship these to you anywhere in Australia for free.      

The Zoom meeting details form part of your ticket, emailed to you after registration.  

About the Book

Eighteen-year-old art student Susan Arkshaw arrives in London in search of her father. But before she can question crime boss Frank Thringley he's turned to dust by the prick of a silver hatpin in the hands of the outrageously attractive Merlin. Merlin is one of the youngest members of a secret society of booksellers with magical powers who police the mythic Old World wherever it impinges on the New World—in addition to running several bookshops, of course!

Merlin also has a quest of his own: to find the Old World entity who arranged the murder of his mother. Their investigations attract attention from enemies of the Old and New Worlds. Soon they become involved in an even more urgent task to recover the grail that is the source of the left-handed booksellers' power, before it is used to destroy the booksellers and rouse the hordes of the mythic past.

As the search for the grail becomes strangely intertwined with both their quests, they start to wonder… is Susan's long-lost father a bookseller, or something altogether more mysterious?


"A warm, whimsical delight — The Left-Handed Booksellers of London is a witty, clever adventure in an exquisitely detailed world you will love escaping into."  - Veronica Roth, author of the Divergent series. 

"This is my favourite kind of tale, one where the magic and the real nest together like pages in a book. A delightful read."  - V. E. Schwab, author of the Shades Of Magic series. 

About the Author

Garth Nix has been a full-time writer since 2001, but has also worked as a literary agent, marketing consultant, book editor, book publicist, book sales representative, bookseller, and as a part-time soldier in the Australian Army Reserve. Garth's books include the Old Kingdom fantasy series: Sabriel; Lirael; Abhorsen; Clariel and Goldenhand; SF novels Shade's Children and A Confusion of Princes; and a Regency romance with magic, Newt's Emerald. His novels for children include The Ragwitch; the six books of The Seventh Tower sequence; The Keys to the Kingdom series; and Frogkisser! which is being developed as a film by Fox/Disney.

His short fiction includes more than 60 published stories, some of them collected in Across the Wall and To Hold the Bridge. His most recent novel is Angel Mage. He has co-written several books with Sean Williams, including the Troubletwisters series; Spirit Animals Book Three: Blood Ties; Have Sword, Will Travel; and Let Sleeping Dragons Lie. More than six million copies of Garth's books have been sold around the world, they have appeared on the bestseller lists of The New York Times, Publishers Weekly, The Bookseller and others, and his work has been translated into 42 languages. He has won multiple Aurealis Awards, the Ditmar Award, the Mythopoeic Award, CBCA Honour Book, and has been shortlisted for the Locus Awards, the Shirley Jackson Award and others.


  • Event Ticket + Book + Pin

    Your ticket to the event, plus a copy of 'The Left-Handed Booksellers of London' and a limited edition pin (while stocks last). The Zoom meeting link will form part of the email you receive on completing the registration. If you want your book(s) shipped to you anywhere in Australia for free, just enter your address as you confirm your registration.

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